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3 Pieces Of Advice To Take During Your Divorce

As divorce becomes more frequent for families, so does the number of people wanting to hand out their unsolicited advice. While you probably are not looking for the stranger at the grocery stores advice regarding your new job of single parenting, there are a few pieces of advice that you can really benefit from. We are here to share them with you- when you are ready to take them or are looking for them.

After visiting with a divorce attorney who has seen her fair share of divorce cases, we found that there were 3 good pieces of advice that anyone who was gearing up for the divorce process could really benefit from hearing. While no one wants to have to get divorced with children, there are ways that you can make it better for everyone involved.

Advice #1

You need to go into the process with an open mind and the ability to listen to what your attorney has to say. All too often, people go into the process having already made up their mind about how exactly things were going to go and what they needed their attorney to do in order to get them what they want. You need to go in with an open mind and have a discussion with your attorney and come up with a game plan from there. They are great at analyzing the situation and you will be more successful if you make a plan together.

Advice #2

While no one likes tough luck advice, sometimes you have to hear it. Do not go into the process with the mindset that you what matters and you are going to get what you want. Judges, attorneys, and courts are all able to tell when a difficult person is on their hands. No one wants to deal with someone who does not want to listen to anyone and thinks that they know more and are better. Go in with the mindset that you are going to listen to others and take the advice of people who are trying to help you. If you have a better than you attitude you are going to quickly learn that in fact you are not.

Advice #3

Do not become so consumed in your own wishes that you forget to think about your kids and their wishes. Custody battles are never fun for parents, and they are even worse for children. Remember that your children love both parents and that they should come first. Be sure that your kiddos are always at the forefront of your mind when you are making decisions and deciding custody.

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