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4 Benefits of Purchasing an Extended Warranty for a Used Car

4 Benefits of Purchasing an Extended Warranty for a Used Car

When you buy a used car, one of the first things on everyone’s mind is whether or not it’s worth the price. However, when you purchase an extended warranty for that car, it becomes much more than just a monetary investment. In fact, an extended warranty can save you money in unexpected ways if anything goes wrong with your vehicle after the initial sale has been made.

Here are the incredible benefits you derive from an extended warranty.

1.  You Have Peace of Mind

Once you purchase an extended warranty for your used car, you will have peace of mind knowing that if anything goes wrong with the vehicle during the term of the plan, it will be covered. An extended warranty can cover repairs and replacement costs and rental car expenses if yours needs to be repaired.

This type of coverage is especially important if you are buying a used vehicle. This is because there are no guarantees on how long the car will last before needing repairs or replacement parts, especially if previous owners poorly maintained them.

2. You Can Save Money

The price of extended warranties is usually less than half of what it would cost to repair damage to your vehicle in case of an accident or mechanical breakdown. So, an extended warranty saves you money.

Additionally, most auto insurance plans require you to buy a certain amount of coverage before even considering providing protection in case something happens while driving. However, this requirement isn’t necessary if you already have an extended warranty.

3. Your Car Will be Covered for Longer

When you buy an extended warranty for a used cars Calgary, you buy peace of mind. The warranty will last longer than the manufacturer’s original coverage and can include more options than what was initially offered. For example, many warranties now offer unlimited miles on their plans instead of just a certain number of miles or years (which are often limited). They also provide more types of coverage, such as repair at any authorized repair facility and not just those approved by the manufacturer.

Finally, some companies offer lifetime warranties on all repairs made under their plan. Hence, if anything goes wrong with your vehicle after its first year in operation under this policy, they will fix it for free.

4. You Don’t Have To Pay Out-of-Pocket Expenses

What if you bought a used car, and then it broke down? You would have to pay for the repairs out of your own pocket. This can be difficult for people who don’t have much money saved up or don’t want to spend all their savings on something like this.

What if your vehicle was totaled in an accident? You would need another vehicle, but with no money left over from selling the wrecked car and no way to afford one outright, how will you get back on the road again? With an extended warranty (especially one that covers replacement parts), you won’t have to worry about these things happening because everything will be covered by insurance.

If you are considering buying a used car, it’s always a good idea to purchase an extended warranty. This will protect your investment in case anything happens to the vehicle during the course of ownership.

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