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7 Dangerous Slip & Fall Accident Cases & What They Teach

7 Dangerous Slip & Fall Accident Cases & What They Teach

When someone slips and falls on someone else’s property due to failure to maintain safety standards, it is called a slip and fall accident case. Slip and fall accident cases are common in the United States. Millions of people visit medical emergencies due to slip and fall accident cases. Poor lighting, wet floors, and weak infrastructure are common causes that lead to slip-and-fall accidents.

Understanding these can help both the general public and the property owner to recognize the risks associated with slip and fall accidents, promoting better safety practices. If you have been tripped on a wet floor in your office and sustained injuries, Dolan Dobrinsky Rosenblum Bluestein lawyers can help you gather evidence and get compensation. Meanwhile, read this blog to learn more about such accidents and why they happen.

Common causes of slip and fall accidents.

1.   Wet floors.

Most slip and fall accident cases happen due to slippery, wet floors. Such accidents commonly happen in grocery stores, supermarkets, offices, and restaurants, where liquids can spill. It may also happen on recently constructed floors or wet parking lots. The property owners must regularly maintain their premises and wipe out any spills immediately to ensure safety. Water is not the only liquid that can be dangerous. Other fluids such as oil, detergents, and floor polishers also pose great risk.

2.   On the sidewalks.

Walking on the sidewalk can be dangerous if there are things that can make you trip and fall. Holes and gaps can be difficult to see and may cause you to stumble. Uneven surfaces like chipped tiles and cracks on the floor can make walking difficult, increasing the risk of injuries. Therefore, while walking on an uneven surface, walk carefully and watch out for obstacles and other things that could make you fall.

3.   Weather conditions.

Poor weather conditions, such as heavy rain, snow, and ice, can significantly increase the risk of slip-and-fall accidents outdoors. While it is obvious you can not control the weather conditions, you can be responsible and take precautionary measures to keep the premises safe. It includes maintaining a proper drainage system in the rainy season and salting walkways in winter. While walking outdoors in adverse weather conditions, you should wear proper footwear and be mindful of the conditions.

4.   Poor lighting.

Poor or insufficient lighting can make an otherwise safe environment dangerous. It is common in parking garages and building basements. The owners of such properties must ensure there is adequate lighting to avoid the risk of slip and fall accidents. Accidents in such conditions can result in injuries like cuts, facial and dental injuries, and broken bones.

5.   Stairs.

Staircase accidents can result in severe life-threatening injuries. Poorly maintained stairs can lead to wear and tear and cause you to fall. Loosely fitted carpeting can also be an obstacle. Stairs that are not properly lit can also cause you to miss a step and fall.

6.    Poor property maintenance.

Poor property maintenance, such as uneven floorboards, loose carpeting, or broken tiles, can lead to serious slip and fall accident cases. If you own a property, it is your duty to keep it safe for visitors.  Failing to do so can lead to serious accident cases, and you may even face legal consequences.

7.   Escalators.

Many people think that escalators are safer than stairs. However, this is not the case. You need to be extra aware while using escalators. If it is not properly maintained, it can malfunction and result in injuries. Be very cautious while using escalators, as your clothes or fingers can accidentally get stuck in the system.

Hire an attorney today!

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident case, do not hesitate to consult a lawyer. They are well experienced and can help you navigate through the complex legal procedure, gather evidence, and get compensation for your damages. Hire an attorney today.

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