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How To Diagnose Different Causes Of Emergency Toothache?


Toothache is a severe issue, and it gets scary when you do not know why. Any pain, discomfort, or burning inside or around the tooth is generally called a toothache. Teeth can become sensitive to temperature, have pain when eating, or have sharp pain due to tooth decay. you would better see an emergency dentist for proper treatment as soon as possible. In case you need to have a tooth extraction due to a dental emergency, the dentist suggests a same-day tooth replacement.

Diagnosis of Toothache

Emergency dentists use many methods to diagnose the cause of toothache. First of all, you will be asked questions about your symptoms: Is your tooth sensitive to cold or heat? Does eating time hurt? Do you suddenly wake up at midnight with a toothache or not? Answering these questions can help your emergency dentist identify the primary factors and fix your dental problem.

You may also need an X-ray to find cavities, abscesses, or other hidden dental problems. Dentists have several different strategies for identifying problems and treating toothaches that they use depending on their condition. One of them is hitting the areas around the teeth to determine the exact location of the problem. In the cold air test, the emergency dentist also uses cold steam blown directly on the tooth to show the sensitive areas.

As soon as the dentist finds the root cause of your toothache, the treatment process begins and tells you of the dos and don’ts. Sometimes, the emergency dentist may prescribe some medications. In most cases, identifying the root cause is not easy, but in any case, if you do not treat the condition, it will become a painful dental emergency.

The Leading Causes Of Toothache

Among the causes of toothache, several are the most common. These include tooth decay, inflammation, abscesses, broken teeth, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity. Sometimes your problem has nothing to do with dental health. Let’s look at each of them separately.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is called erosion and cavities on the outer surface (enamel).

Dental plaque on the teeth makes the decayed. Bacteria on the tooth produces an acid that adversely affects the enamel and can lead to cavities. This problem can spread to the middle layers of the tooth (dentin) and cause sensitivity to temperature or touch.

Inflammation of the Tooth Pulp

The dental pulp is a condition in which the tissue in the center of the tooth (nerve or tooth pulp) is inflamed and irritated. This inflammation puts pressure on the surrounding tissues. The swollen dental pulp symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the inflammation’s severity.


A dental abscess emerges from a bacterial infection inside the pulp chamber (or tooth marrow). The pressure of draining the infection can sometimes cause severe pain. X-rays can detect most abscesses.

Broken Teeth

Your teeth can weaken gradually due to the pressure of biting or chewing. Sometimes a force from a hard object such as ice can break a tooth. Symptoms of a cracked tooth may be painful when biting or chewing. Being Sensitive to hot and cold temperatures or sweet and sour foods can also be among the symptoms. Treatment for this problem depends on the location, the direction of the crack, and the extent of the damage.

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