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How to Prevent Fear of the Dentist in Children

How to Prevent Fear of the Dentist in Children

You were probably afraid of any kind of dental check-up as a kid and some of this hesitation may continue to exist in you as an adult. This isn’t unusual, a significant portion of adults are fearful of dentists. This doesn’t have to be your child’s fate as well, though. Here is what you can make dental visits a more pleasant experience for your kids:

Find the Right Clinic and Practitioner

The first thing that you need to do is to find a clinic like the Smile Centre, family-friendly dentistry in Barrie or wherever that you live. The main benefit with such clinics is that they are naturally geared towards children. This way, you can guarantee that the practitioners know how to handle kids, specifically.

Still, it can’t hurt to take a look at the clinic for yourself. Check out the waiting room and speak to any dentists that may work on your children. Talk to them about child-friendly practices and get a feel for how this individual may behave around your child as well. If you have a good feeling about a particular clinic, then you are probably on the right track.

Start at an Early Age

Your child should be visiting the dentist from the moment that they have their first tooth. This will ensure that their oral health is monitored every step of the way. It can reduce a number of greater issues as well.

Just as important, taking in your child when they are very young, learns them to adapt to this process at a young age. They get used to the clinic, the people, and the standard procedures. As they get older, they won’t think to be scared.

Reconsider Your Own Behavior

A lot of kids will take cues from their parents on how to function in a particular situation. They will also listen to what you have to say about various experiences and take it to heart. Therefore, if you have spoken about a trip to the dentists in a negative manner previously, then your child will associate it with a bad experience.

This is why you should be mindful of your own behavior. When you have your own visit scheduled, talk about it in a positive manner. Frame it in a way that your little one will understand that going to the dentist means taking care of their teach and keeping their mouth healthy.

Prep Them for a Visit

Before you take your child in for an actual visit, have a play session with your child. Get a play dentist kit and pretend to be the dentist during an appointment. If possible, do some research on how to use certain tools so that you can mirror what a professional will do. Getting your child used to these techniques beforehand will mean that they will be less scared during the real appointment.

Also give your child a turn at using these tools, explaining what each of them do and how to use them. This can also help to add an air of excitement about the experience.

These are all the steps that you can take to prevent fear and anxiety in children about visiting the dentist. Give them a try and see if they work for you!

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