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Most Common Myths about Weed


Weed remains one of the most popular recreational drugs. As we know, the use of weed is increasing. In 2018, the rate of use of this drug among college students reached the highest level in 35 years.

Medical experts and researchers have recognized that weed provides patients with a range of benefits, including the ability to treat epilepsy, anxiety, and even cancer and other medical symptoms. However, due to multiple factors, some people still misunderstand medicinal weed and its overwhelmingly positive effects on patients nationwide and even globally.

The debate around weed use has been politicized, with people advocating extreme and unfounded positions on both ends of a series of beliefs. Although it is a myth that weed has no effective medical use, it is also a myth that it is harmless. Weed addiction is real, and it can have a catastrophic impact on your life.

Weed Addiction is not Real

Any drug that changes the brain can be addictive, and weed is no exception. Some people experience physical withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping. The psychological desire may be very strong and may last for weeks or months. Also, some people may have a mental health condition and therefore need to be covered up with weed. Without weed, symptoms of depression, anxiety, or severe insomnia may worsen, especially if you do not seek proper mental health treatment.

Weed is Always Safe

The chance of weed overdose is very small. Some medicinal weed experts claim that cannabis is always safe. This misleads the effects of weed poisoning.

Although this is the number one drug other than alcohol found in all fatal car accidents, there is almost no media attention to car accidents and weed-related use. Few people emphasize that when pregnant women use weed, it could increase the risk of congenital disabilities.

Weed Addiction is very Rare

Weed addiction is not common. Conversely, it may not be so visible because weed is legal in many states and is less likely to cause dangerous overdose than other drugs. An estimated 30% of weed users abuse this drug, indicating a high rate of addiction.

When pregnant or breastfeeding, weed is a safe alternative to certain drugs.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women may worry about the effects of painkillers, antidepressants, and other medications on the developing baby. Weed is safe; we cannot prove this by evidence. Weed crosses the placenta, which means that the baby has to take a dose of medicine. Several studies have linked weed use during pregnancy with a higher risk of congenital disabilities and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Weed also enters breast milk. We could not collect enough data on weed to know if it is safe for breastfeeding mothers so that we have no reason to believe that it is safer or not.

Weed kills Brain Cells

According to a study, long-term heavy use of medical weed does not harm brain cells. Many of the active compounds found in the weed plant are effective antioxidants that help protect DNA from toxins. New researches show that compounds in weed are helping to resist damage to brain cells but not only confined to this, even promoting their growth.

Medical weed Causes Cancer

There is very little evidence that the consumption of medical weed causes cancer. On the other hand, now a day’s new studies and researches show that medical weed can use to treat cancer itself. According to the study of the British Journal about Pharmacology stated that the ingredients in medical weed could even decrease the size of certain tumors.


With the mythic point of view about weed, we cannot deny the wonderful benefits of weed for patients suffering from various medical challenges. In case you decide to purchase cannabis online, make sure to only use well-established weed dispensary.

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