Own A Low Cost Fitness Franchise

Own A Low Cost Fitness Franchise

The first electrical muscle stimulation machine was created in 1902 by a French researcher to help with atrophy and paralysis. Then, 70 years later, two Russian researchers showed that muscular stimulation can result in an increase of 30 to 40 percent increase of muscular strength with little physiological and mental effort in a short period of time. Since then, electrical muscle stimulation has improved even more, and we are now able to offer you a low cost fitness franchise on the frontier of fitness research.

EMS causes muscles to contract through external electrical impulses. The stimuli are from outside the body, but the muscle acts the same as if the impulse came from the brain: it contracts and become stronger. EMS doesn’t cause harm to joints, and it can stimulate deeper muscle contractions than a traditional workout can.

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All of the muscles are worked out at the same time when a client wears an EMS apparatus. When they train with the suit on, they are able to get more work done in less time. Electrodes are located throughout the suit to target large muscle groups, which helps to lengthen endurance, build strength and tone. Your clients can do this in just one or two training sessions of just 20 minutes per week. They get the same benefits as they would if they had three 90-minute sessions of a traditional weight workout per week.

With an EMS training franchise, you’ll bring this helpful technology to those in your community. People will benefit from workouts that reach muscles that don’t normally get worked out. They can also improve back problems as they get better posture and experience less workout strain. The suit has electrodes along the spine to work those muscles as they are not often worked out.

Your clients can also relieve joint pain because the workout doesn’t put pressure on the joints. They can be damaged in a traditional weight workout. The suit can be specifically programmed to work certain muscle groups or the entire body. It eliminates unbalanced workouts by training all large muscle groups at the same time when set in that mode.

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When you’re ready to own a low cost fitness franchise that can help people train harder in shorter periods of time, give us a call. We offer extensive support to help you establish a thriving business and to help it expand. We are with you every step of the way and provide training and other types of support to help you become a successful franchisee.