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The Pros & Cons Of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is quite a popular form of lavender plant which has been used for centuries because of its antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial and medicinal properties. Ranging from the Egyptians to Romans and the Greeks, all were familiar with its effectiveness and that is why the use of lavender essential oil dates back to the 2500 B.C.E.

Even today the essential oil (the steam distilled from the florets of Lavender plant) is available in packaged form and added in medicines solely because of their benefits. The lavender essential oil have a long list of pros with a few cons which are discussed in the article.

The Pros & Cons of Lavender Essential Oil:

Lavender oil is filled with tons of benefits but there are some disadvantages of using this oil as well. Below are listed the pros and cons of lavender essential oil.

The Pros of Lavender Essential Oil:

Act as bug repellent: Lavender oil has its specific smell which is irritating to the bugs like mosquitos, moths and midges. Applying the lavender essential oil on bare skin can help you prevent bug bites. They are even helpful in treating bug bites and reducing irritation and pain.

Regulates sleep disorders:Lavender essential oil is a great home remedy for treating sleep disorders. It is soothing and relaxing and promotes a deep sound sleep after inhaling its scent for half an hour before going to bed. It is also used for treating insomnia.

Promotes healthy nervous system: A number of nervous system functions are regulated with the help of lavender essential oil. It treats migraines and headaches along with reducing the feelings of stress and anxiety among blood pressure and heart patients. It lowers the BP and heart rate promoting better mood and healthy nervous system.

Best for acne treatment: Acne occurs because of bacterial infection which becomes worse when the acne starts feeding on face sebum. Lavender essential oil control over excretion of sebum and reduces bacteria resulting in less acne.

The Cons of Lavender Essential Oil:

Causes Breast Growth in Boys: One big con of using lavender essential oil is that it causes breast growth in boys which is undesirable among males.

Skin Irritation: Constant use of lavender oil causes skin irritation and allergic reactions among the people with sensitive skin.

Causes Nausea: Consuming lavender oil can be toxic and it causes nausea and vomiting as well.

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